
This website has been designed and structured to allow you to access a maximum amount of topic-related information with minimal effort. All articles have been grouped into themes relating to food safety & quality and health & nutrition and this constitutes the website’s main navigation.

Here are some useful tips you may like to use to get the most out of the EUFIC website:

Finding information

Another way to find information is by using the search engine. If you are looking for information and happen to know one or more words included in that piece of information, you can use these as key words to refine your search. If you only know what kind of information you are looking for, then you can search by field of interest. 

Reading information

EUFIC wants to make sure you have easy access to all the information it has to offer. That’s why each article page offers an article toolbar at the top right-hand side of the webpage where you can:

  • Directly print the article out in a print-friendly way;
  • Download the article onto your computer as a PDF document;
  • Share the article with all your friends via social media.

In addition, EUFIC has a glossary for more scientific words. These words are underlined and the meaning appears on mouse hover over.

If you do not have a PDF reader installed on your computer, you can download one for free at

Using information

EUFIC welcomes you to freely use the information provided on this website for further dissemination. However, in order to do so there are a series of conditions you must accept and respect. Please consult the disclaimer to find out more about these conditions. Click here.

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