EUFIC membership | Eufic

EUFIC membership

Few sectors are as vulnerable to myths and misinformation as the food and health sector. As a EUFIC member, your organisation actively helps raise the profile of impartial, science-based information on healthy and sustainable food in the public debate.

With EUFIC’s role as a key convener and facilitator of science-based discussion within the expert community, you also benefit from a neutral ground to exchange with other stakeholders and stay tuned on the latest food, health and consumer insights.

Becoming a EUFIC Member

EUFIC membership is open to everyone who has a role in improving public health and advancing towards sustainable food systems in Europe.

Our membership fees are variable and depend on your organisation’s size and financial status. All membership applications undergo a diligent process to ensure alignment with our vision, goals and operating principles, and need to be approved by the Board of Directors. Successful applicants must comply with our Code of Conduct and Operating Principles.

Current members


If you are interested in exploring EUFIC membership for your organisation, please contact Elisangela Rosario, Membership and Funding Manager at EUFIC.