Misinformation | Eufic



Access to accurate, science-backed information is essential for making healthier choices and improving public health across Europe. Misinformation , however, can distort public understanding and decision-making.

At EUFIC we are committed to enhancing food and health literacy by improving the quality of nutrition and food safety coverage in both traditional and social media. To this aim, we foster collaborations across the information pipeline (scientists, journalists, and content creators) to help consumers make informed choices about their health and diets.

We tackle misinformation through:

Media-Reactions: Whenever a new food study comes out, headlines may vary wildly with claims of alleged new links to health issues – misrepresenting scientific evidence, lacking context or oversimplifying complex issues. But what does the research actually tell us? We break down the story and share our briefings widely.

Myth-busting: While debunking myths is part of our work, prevention is just as critical. It’s all too easy to get lost in the sea of diet trends, fads, and conflicting advice. This section breaks down popular food and health claims providing clear, concise, and evidence-based information to help consumers make informed choices about their health and wellbeing

Deep dives: A mix of interviews and webinars taking a closer look into complex food and health topics and their representation in the media with insights from researchers and media professionals.