Study designs | Eufic

Study designs

Study designs

Food and health research is often in the media spotlight. After all, everyone eats! Although they often lead to big headlines, it is rare that a single study provides a final, complete answer. Rather they should be seen as additions to the existing body of research on a topic. Understanding the advantages and limitations of different study designs can help us all figure out what to make of original research for ourselves. Critical thinking is essential!

The levels of evidence in nutrition research

06 September 2023

Not all types of research can be used to draw equally firm conclusions. This article explains the most common types of study designs used in nutrition research.

How strong is the scientific evidence?

06 September 2023

Have you ever wondered how strong the scientific evidence is behind the latest dietary trends and health claims? This infographic dives into common study designs (systematic reviews, meta-analyses, randomised controlled trials, observational research, including prospective cohort studies, case-control studies, cross-sectional studies, animal studies, cell studies, and anecdotes and case studies) used by nutrition researchers to explore the links between nutrition and health and will help you understand the advantages and limitations of each design to help you distinguish between reliable and less robust findings.

How to read graphs

06 September 2023

In an era where information is readily available, graphs have become essential tools for conveying data in a visually appealing and concise manner. Understanding how to read them accurately is crucial for making informed decisions. However, graphs can be misleading if not interpreted correctly or are even made misleading on purpose at times. This infographic shows common cases of misleading graphs, including leaving out data, not labelling data properly or skipping numbers on the vertical axis. Here are some handy tips to help you identify misleading graphs.

How to accurately read a scientific paper

12 December 2018

How reliable are scientific studies? Here are seven things to look for when reading a scientific paper.

Understanding scientific studies

01 January 2008

The media, health professionals, and educators are the gatekeepers of today's food and health information. They have a large influence on what consumers hear, read, and believe about food and health...