In this project, we aim to understand how we can motivate young adults who are not interested in healthy eating to start rethinking their eating habits.
This multi-country online survey was conducted to assess consumers' nutrition knowledge and health and food science literacy to understand which areas should be targeted for education/communication.
This Pan-EU survey examined consumers’ level of food waste and its determinants such as food waste related attitudes, food handling skills, judgements, and behaviours.
The aim of this project was to understand which messages about healthy and sustainable eating resonate best with consumers with low socioeconomic status.
To inform our future communication campaigns, a multi-country online survey was conducted to understand which information factors predict consumer motivation and capability to follow a healthy and sustainable diet and which communication themes consumers find more interesting.
In this project, we investigated what drives healthy and sustainable food choices, what consumers want to know about healthy and sustainable food, and what is the best format to deliver this information.
In this comprehensive study, we investigated European consumers’ values and beliefs about what makes them choose foods, the role that food plays in their lives and how involvement can explain cultural differences.
This study aimed to find out how free-from labelling shapes European consumers’ perception of food products and whether they think it improves the nutritional value of the product.
In this study, we have analysed what European consumers are looking for regarding nutrition and ingredient information on alcoholic drinks, their existing knowledge and their preferences regarding the right channels to communicate this information.
We investigated where and how European consumers would like to receive nutrition information about chewing gum.