Newsroom | Eufic


News | 30 March 2021

New EUFIC governance sets up organization for the challenges ahead

EUFIC has updated its governance model, offering an even stronger backbone to serve its mission to inspire and empower healthier and more sustainable diets and lifestyles among European citizens.

News | 18 March 2021

FoodSafety4EU: towards a closer food safety collaboration

Food safety is a top priority for the European Commission. The FoodSafety4EU project will develop and release a multi-stakeholder platform for the future European Food Safety System.

News | 11 March 2021

EUFIC’s stakeholder workshop on processed foods showcases communication challenges and solutions

There remains a lot of conflicting communication about processed food, blurring the scientific facts, and making it difficult for consumers to make informed choices.

News | 29 January 2021

Walking the talk: EUFIC-FAO Food Systems Dialogue, February 25

On February 25 the European Food Information Council (EUFIC) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) will co-host the Food Systems Dialogue "Walking the talk: healthy & sustainable food systems through aligned, evidence-based communication & policy’’.

News | 30 November 2020

Processed foods symposium: How to communicate about what we (don’t) know?

On the 24th of November, EUFIC organised an online symposium: ‘Processed foods: how to communicate about what we (don’t) know?’.

News | 13 October 2020

Join the Sustainable Food Systems Network

The FOOD 2030 Platform is a platform that mobilises a wide variety of stakeholders at the level of cities, regions, countries and Europe to future-proof European food systems through research and innovation.

News | 03 June 2020

Dr Sophie Hieke joins Expert Advisory Panel of Food Navigator

Food Navigator’s new panel of experts will hold a counseling role to the content production and editorial team, on topics ranging from regulation and food policy to consumer trends, markets, public health, sustainability and technical developments.