The current food production system has a major impacts on the environment, contributing to 30 % of all green-house gas emissions, driving deforestation and contributing to a loss of biodiversity. Our diets are becoming higher in calories and are rich in animal-based food products. 30 % of produced food is also wasted, enough to feed 200 million people! Switching to a more sustainable food production is important to make sure we can provide enough food for future generations while reducing the impact on our environment. How can we increase the sustainability of our diets?
By 2050, the world’s population is estimated to reach a record over 9 billion people. This projected rise, coupled with rapid urbanisation, will create many societal and environmental challenges. Innovative food technologies offer exciting solutions to help us to prepare for the increased strain on agricultural resources, reduce food waste and provide adequate nutrition for all. We explore the potential opportunities for three technologies in contributing towards long-term food security.
Fish and seafood are an important part of a healthy diet, yet increasing demands and overfishing in many parts of the world have led to diminishing marine fish stocks worldwide. Farmed fish is a means of meeting demand...
Ensuring a sustainable supply of food for the world’s fast growing population is a major challenge. Food production is one of the key areas that require action, alongside issues of food consumption, nutrition and food security.
Organic farming in the EU is a system of agriculture and food production that combines favourable environmental and animal welfare standards and is supported by EU law...