Human Microbiome Action - International Human Microbiome Coordination and Support Action

1 May 2021 - 30 April 2024

The human microbiome is currently a hot topic in the scientific world. On and inside our bodies live over 100 trillion microbes which are referred to as our microbiome. The microbiome has a tremendous role in the development of health and disease. In the past years, several links between changes in the microbiome and various diseases have been observed. Despite these findings, the clear connection is yet unknown. Scientists want to unveil the possible impact that this newly discovered ’organ’ has on our health. Therefore, experts are working hard on understanding the specific links between a healthy microbiome and a healthy body.

Human Microbiome Action aims to path the way for microbiome research and innovation by providing important guidelines and recommendations for the international research community as well as regulatory experts. The project brings together worldwide experts to align on important standards in the field and look beyond current application forms in the public health sector. This will impact how microbiome-based products will be used in the future and what role they will have in the public health sector. The project will contribute to a European Microbiome Centres Consortium, a platform to collaborate with microbiome experts in Europe and worldwide.

Human Microbiome Action is a project funded by the European Commission through the Horizon 2020 program. Coordinated by the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE), 17 European partners from 9 different countries will work on the project over the next years until 2024.

EUFIC is responsible for the communication and dissemination activities. We provide engaging communication materials to partners and implement activities to increase the impact of the project. Throughout the project, EUFIC will be responsible to ensure the long-lasting adoption of the project outcomes and engagement with stakeholders. At the end of the project, EUFIC will organise the project's final conference.


This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 964590.

EUFIC leads the communication and dissemination activities of the project and is in close collaboration with the project partners. These tasks include:

Supporting the research-policy dialogue and the legislation improvement for microbiome-based products.

Human Microbiome Action consortiaAnnual project meeting in Salerno, Italy (2022)

Developing a communication and dissemination strategy and implementation through project materials, such as the visual identity, website and social media, and supporting project partners in their activities.

Human Microbiome Action logo
Project logo with the slogan; fingerprint resembles the uniqueness of everyone’s individual microbiome

Engagement with the larger microbiome community through social media campaigns such as the #MicrobiomeAmbassador campaign and the use of the Microbiome Group of the Sustainable Food Systems Network.

Example of the #MicrobiomeAmbassador campaign on Twitter

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