Consumers and health claims: Top findings (CLYMBOL)

Last Updated : 01 July 2016
Table of contents

    Health claims and symbols: what’s on the market?

    Dr Igor Pravst (Nutrition Institute, Slovenia) and Prof Mike Rayner (University of Oxford) present top level findings on the history of use of claims and symbols across Europe, share results from their prevalence study and discuss the role of nutrient profiling in distinguishing more from less healthful foods.

    What do consumers need and want?

    Prof Monique Raats (University of Surrey) and Prof Wim Verbeke (University of Ghent) share results from consumer studies on how claims are interpreted and classified as well as present the outcomes of a pan-European study on how motivated and able consumers are to read and use health-related information.


    How to best measure and monitor the impact of claims and symbols?

    Prof Klaus Grunert (Aarhus University) introduces CLYMBOL’s methodological toolbox and explains what methods are best suited to answer which research questions, for different stakeholder groups.

    The effects of claims and symbols: what do they know right now?

    Prof Hans van Trijp (Wageningen University) shares findings on the role of health claims and symbols in consumer food choice, perception of product healthfulness and how these effects play out in-store. Has the introduction of health symbols in Denmark and the Netherlands affected food purchases?

    For more information about the CLYMBOL project, visit the official website