About us | Eufic

About us

The European Food Information Council (EUFIC), is a consumer-oriented non-profit organisation, founded to make the science behind food and health more accessible and easier to understand among the public.


Our philosophy

At EUFIC, we believe in the power of information. Our young and passionate team of scientists and communicators is driven by the philosophy that by improving knowledge around food we can make a real difference to the health of both people and planet.


Our four main goals

We put our purpose into action by making all our activities contribute to four long-term goals (LTGs):

To build food & health science literacy & promote evidence-based decision-making

Access to trustworthy information is essential for people to make better choices. We address this challenge through a variety of actions, e.g. helping scientists and health professionals communicate better, supporting journalists in reporting accurately on complex topics, and running campaigns and building networks to combat misinformation.

To facilitate the healthy & sustainable diet shift

Acknowledging the influence of our diets on our health and how our food choices impact the environment and climate change, we want to equip citizens with the right knowledge on how to eat both healthily and sustainably. This includes promoting plant-forward diets.

To support the prevention of diet- and lifestyle-related non-communicable diseases (NCDs)

The health burden of NCDs such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases, mental disorders, neurological disorders, or cancer is staggering. To help prevent NCDs, our approach focuses on creating awareness of the link between nutrition and lifestyle and NCD risk and providing information to support behaviour change related to these two key health determinants.

To empower food waste reduction at the consumption level

Reducing food waste in people’s homes is a significant opportunity to alleviate the negative environmental and climate impact of our food system. We want to empower people to waste less food, securing win-win outcomes for both the planet and people’s lives.

How we work

Impartiality and scientific integrity sit at the heart of all we do. We leverage content and resources from peer-reviewed science and authoritative bodies such as the WHO, FAO and European authorities.

We choose our topics based on scientific relevance, their importance to public health, and the state of the public debate. A Scientific Advisory Board, comprised of independent leading scientists, provides direction and oversees the accuracy, relevance, and independence of EUFIC’s work.

Read more about the transparency of our processes here.

Consumers at the centre of our work

EUFIC’s in-house consumer scientists help our team and networks better understand consumers’ attitudes and behavior towards food. We also actively listen to people’s needs and questions through our interactions on social media and their online searches.

These insights are used together with scientific evidence to create content, outreach and communication activities, in-house scientific publications and to help us build meaningful collaborations.


Greater impact together

To increase the reach of our resources, we engage with media and social media influencers and join forces with leading organisations at national and international levels. Read more about our public and private partnerships on the transparency page.

We bring our resources to the public via our own outreach channels – in particular our social media platforms, as well as through collaborations with a wide network of partners.