Search results for diabetes.

In the news: can a low-carbohydrate diet reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes?

Found in Newsroom 08 November 2022

In the news: can a low-carbohydrate diet reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes?


Found in Category landing pages 23 January 2017

Diabetes is a disease which occurs when your blood glucose (often called blood sugar) is too high. Diabetes is a complex condition which can affect the entire body by damaging the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys and nerves. There are two types of diabetes, type 1 and 2. Type 1…

In the news: Will eating meat increase your risk of having a heart disease, diabetes or pneumonia?

Found in Newsroom 10 March 2021

In the news: Will eating meat increase your risk of having a heart disease, diabetes or pneumonia?

Cook2DIAbeat - Healthier Eating for Type 2 Diabetes Self-Management: Cocreating a Novel Nutrition Education Program with Culinary Medicine

Found in Projects 21 March 2023

Cook2DIAbeat - Healthier Eating for Type 2 Diabetes Self-Management: Cocreating a Novel Nutrition Education Program with Culinary Medicine

The rising concern of gestational diabetes

Found in Healthy living 30 April 2015

Gestational diabetes is a medical condition that occurs during pregnancy. It is rising in prevalence, fuelled mainly by increasing obesity rates and changing lifestyle patterns. Here we look at how this condition occurs, its health implications and how it can be prevented and treated.

Sugars: Addressing Common Questions

Found in Whats in food 27 November 2023

Sugar is the most basic source of energy for our bodies but its role in our health has been questioned. Here we dispel the main concerns on sugar consumption.

Personalised Nutrition

Found in Category landing pages 23 January 2017

…help prevent society-wide diseases such as obesity, Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and malnutrition.


Found in Category landing pages 23 January 2017

…such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and psychological complaints. The conditions are largely preventable through lifestyle changes such as healthy diets and increased levels of physical activity to control overweight and obesity. Obesity is a complex issue which requires active participation of many groups including governments, health professionals, the…

Health conditions

Found in Category landing pages 15 December 2016

…dental and gut health, to the non-communicable diseases, like diabetes, cancers, cardiovascular, and respiratory diseases. Unhealthy diet and physical inactivity, together with tobacco and alcohol use, are the main risk factors for non-communicable diseases, the largest public health burden of the 21st century.

Stevia: How is it produced? (Infographic)

Found in Food production 01 December 2021

Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni, native to South America, is now grown on four continents. Leaves are harvested and dried once they reach peak sweetness. The dried leaves are…

New tools to advance personalised nutrition released by EU project Stance4Health

Found in Newsroom 22 June 2023

New tools to advance personalised nutrition released by EU project Stance4Health

Towards sustainable food research (INPROFOOD)

Found in Collaboration 12 December 2011

Over the past decade, most EU Member States have identified food and health as key priorities. This is in response to increases in obesity and diet-related chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases amongst their populations…

Studying the need for food and health research infrastructures in Europe (EuroDISH)

Found in Collaboration 14 April 2015

Europe is suffering an increasing incidence of diet-related public health problems, including obesity, heart diseases, stroke, cancer, diabetes and mental disorders. The European Union (EU) and its member states, therefore face major challenges in promoting health and reducing this disease burden.

Harnessing and combining the fragmented body of knowledge in Europe in the field of plant food bioactives (POSITIVe)

Found in Collaboration 21 April 2015

Cardio-metabolic disease (cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesity) is the leading cause of death worldwide and a prominent public health problem. These chronic disorders can be prevented, delayed or reduced…

Preventing obesity through Biologically and bEhaviorally Tailored inTERventions for you (BETTER4U)

Found in Projects 12 December 2023

Preventing obesity through Biologically and bEhaviorally Tailored inTERventions for you (BETTER4U)

STANCE4HEALTH - Smart Technologies for personAlised Nutrition and Consumer Engagement

Found in Projects 16 August 2022

STANCE4HEALTH - Smart Technologies for personAlised Nutrition and Consumer Engagement