Labelling the nutritional content of food has become important not simply because the consumer has a right to know what is in food products, but also to help us make proper dietary choices so we can follow a healthy, well-balanced diet. Do you know what information you can find on food package labels, and how to understand it?
Food labels contain nutrition and health information, giving us knowledge about the foods and drinks we buy. Do you know what we can find on food packaging?
In the EU, three types of claims are allowed to be made on food packaging: nutrition, health, and disease risk factor reduction claims. What do they mean?
This article explains what is front-of-pack nutrition labelling and why it exists, and showcases some of the most common front-of-pack labels used in Europe.
Learn how to compare foods and make healthier food choices by understanding nutrition information displayed on pre-packaged foods with our infographic.
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This Global Update on Nutrition labelling seeks to provide a comprehensive overview of the state of play on the issue today: What are the major nutrition labelling initiatives adopted or in the pipeline to date? How do they work? What do the various stakeholders say? Where is the debate heading? What does the research show?
The European Commission has published a new Regulation on the provision of food information to consumers 'Food Information Regulation'), applicable to all member states of the European Union (EU)...
Nutrition labels can help consumers make more healthful choices about food, but scientific insights into how these labels are used in real-life shopping situations are limited. The aim of the EU-funded project, FLABEL...
Ensuring food safety is a shared responsibility between governments, producers, industry and consumers. Food labelling is one way in which consumers can get knowledge about the food they consider buying.
Nowadays more food labels contain nutrition and health information that gives us useful knowledge about the food we buy. It can help us to understand the contribution different foods make to our health and well-being and to choose a more balanced diet.
People like to know what is in their food. However, food labels may not always be easy to understand. Learn how to read the ingredients on food labels.